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Welcome to the YOUR Advisory Group! Our group works together to create collateral, processes, and recommendations for the IEEE SA OPEN Platform and incoming projects. We consult with members of our project communities, leaders in the broader open source world, and existing documentation, while actively involving people who are diverse in race, nationality, gender, and ability.

Contact Us
If you'd like to know more about what's going on with the YOUR Advisory Group, please join the conversation on our Mattermost Team or join us for our next meeting. We're also actively pursuing the creation of an email list. We're excited to hear your ideas! If you are interested in contributing to the IEEE SA OPEN community in a different way, please reach out to us on our Mattermost Team or come and share your thoughts at our next meeting.

Code of Conduct
We value hearing from a diverse group of people with a variety of opinions. We believe that this makes our community stronger and allows for ready improvements to our platform. To support this community, we follow IEEE's Code of Conduct in our interactions with one another.